Exam Superintendent Registration / Application
Name |
Name Required |
CNIC Required |
Gender |
Position(s) |
Date of Birth |
Current Address |
Current Address Required |
Permanent Address |
Contact Nos. |
Only Numbers allowed
Only Numbers allowed
Only Numbers allowed |
Email |
Valid Email Adddress Required |
Upload Picture |
Upload CNIC |
(Attested Copy) |
Upload Degree |
(Attested Copy) |
Academic Record |
I.T. Proficiency |
Professional Experience:
(only the three latest) |
Preference of Cities for Exam duty: |
(3) |
Bank Information: |
Bank Name |
Bank Name Required
Bank City |
IBAN No Required
Account Title |
Account Title Required
I hereby confirm that the information provided in this form by me is correct, complete and accurate.